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Ski-Berg, V. (2024, February 1). 'The map is not the territory': Navigating institutional change in higher music education. Invited workshop for the February 2024 ARTEMIS project cluster meeting arranged by AEC, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (Vienna, Austria).


Ski-Berg, V. (2023, November 22). Institusjonell kreativitet i høyere utdanning: maktspill forkledd som format og prosess [Institutional creativity in higher education: power games disguised as format and process]. Invited workshop for the research group Music-related learning processes at Nord university, Nord university (Levanger, Norway).


Ski-Berg, V. (2023, August 18). Kunst og makt i høyere utdanning to sider av samme mynt? [Art and power in higher education  two sides of the same coin?]. Invited workshop for teachers and staff affiliated with the Department of Music (IMU) at NTNU, Jossa mat og drikke (Trondheim, Norway). 


Ski-Berg, V. (2023, April 21). Workshop: Bestemmer du? [Workshop: Do you decide?]. Invited workshop for students, teachers and leaders in collaboration with the CEMPE Partners, organised by Musikkstudentkonferansen 2023, Norwegian Academy of Music (Oslo, Norway). 


Ski-Berg, V. (2022, November 10). Maktspill i instrumentalundervisning [Power play in instrumental tuition]. Invited workshop for teachers and staff, organised by the Piano, Accompaniment, Guitar and Accordion Department, Norwegian Academy of Music (Oslo, Norway). 

Ski-Berg, V. (2022, April 26). Maktspill i musikkstudier [Power play in higher music eucation]. Invited workshop for music students, organised by the CEMPE student partners as part of the STUDENT Talks series, Norwegian Academy of Music (Oslo, Norway). 

Ski-Berg, V. (2021, September 24). How does power unfold in music? Invited guest lecture for music students, organised as part of the LAB workshop series, Norwegian Academy of Music (Oslo, Norway). 


Ski-Berg, V. (2020, February 26). Musikkhøgskolens spøkelse: Hvorfor og hvordan blir vi hjemsøkt? [The ghost of the Music Academy: How and why does it haunt us?] Invited workshop for music students and professors, organised by CEMPE as part of the CEMPE Talks series, Norwegian Academy of Music (Oslo, Norway). 


Ski-Berg, V. (2022, February 3). 'Liten? Jeg? Langtifra' Makt som medspiller i høyere musikkutdanning [Little? Me? Far from it Playing with power in higher music education]. Opening Keynote at the "Samtidens musikkutdanning" seminar, organised by the Department of Music NTNU and CEMPE. Online/Zoom (Norway). 


Karlsen, S., Ski-Berg, V. & Stabell, E. (2024, July). CEMPE 10 years – what has changed? Paper presented at the ISME World Conference 2024. Helsinki (Finland). 


Ski-Berg, V. (2024, July). Podcasting for a sustainable higher music education. Expanding pathways with new professional roles and audiences. Pekka kucha presented at the CEPROM (ISME Commission for the Education of the Professional Musician) Conference 2024. Online.  


Ski-Berg, V. (2024, March). Change—lifeline or accessory? Institutional politics in Nordic higher music education. Paper presented at the Nordic Network for Research in Music Education Conference 2024, organised by NNRME and the Faculty for Education and Arts at Nord University, hosted at Quality Hotel Ramsalt Bodø. Bodø (Norway).


Karlsen, S., Ski-Berg, V. & Stabell, E. (2023, November). 10 years of CEMPE – how has change been initiated, enabled and negotiated? Paper presented at the "Connection, collaboration and co-creation – ways forward for higher music education" conference, organised by CEMPE and hosted by the Norwegian Academy of Music. Oslo (Norway)


Ski-Berg, V., Karlsen, S. & Stabell, E. (2023, March). ‘Free to lead?’ An inquiry into the role of academic freedom during change processes in Nordic higher music education. Paper presented at the "Academic freedom and responsibility in music education practice and research" conference, organised by NNRME and hosted by the School of Music, Theatre and Art at Örebro university. Örebro (Sweden)


Ski-Berg, V. (2022, July). Consequences of institutionalising the voices of music performance students: A comparative case study. Paper presented at the "A Visible Voice" 35th ISME World Conference, organised by ISME. Online/Zoom. 


Ski-Berg, V. (2022, April). 'Are we acting?' Chasing institutional legitimacy in higher music education institutions. Paper presented at the "Care and compassion in music education research" conference, organised by NNRME. Online/Zoom. 


Ski-Berg, V. (2021, March). Reframing musical assessment: How individualised study programmes are confronting the question of quality in higher music education. Paper presented at the "Qualities in music education practice and research" conference, organised by NNRME. Online/Zoom. 


Ski-Berg, V. (2017, November). The interdisciplinary music student: Negotiating identities in higher music education. Paper presented at the "The Protean Musician: The Musician in Future Society" conference, organised by LATIMPE and CEMPE. Oslo (Norway). 


Ski-Berg, V. (2024, February 9). Navigating institutional change in higher music education. Invited presentation for staff at the Royal Irish Academy of Music, Online/Zoom. 


Ski-Berg, V. (2024, January 23). Strategisk forhandling av rasjonaliserte myter i høyere musikkutdanning? [Strategic negotiation of rationalised myths in higher music education?] Invited presentation of affiliated article during the official launch of the anthology Høyere musikkutdanning: Historiske perspektiver, Norwegian Academy of Music (Oslo, Norway). 


Ski-Berg, V. (2023, November 16). 10 years of CEMPE – how has change been initiated, enabled and negotiated? Paper presentation repeated at FUTT for the staff at NIFU, Nordic Institute for Studies of innovation, research and education (Oslo, Norway).


Ski-Berg, V. (2023, September 3). Institusjonspolitikk og endringsprosesser i høyere musikkutdanning [Institutional politics and change processes in higher music education]. Invited presentation of PhD project at Musikkens og musikkforskingas samfunnsbidrag during the 50th anniversary of the Norwegian Academy of Music, Domus Bibliotheca (Oslo, Norway). 


Ski-Berg, V. & Orning, T. (2023, August 30). NMH Talk x Konservatoriumspodden: Musikerhelse – hvor ligger ansvaret? [NMH Talk x The Conservatory Podcast: Musicians' health – where does the responsibility lie?]. Presentation of Konservatoriumspodden [The Conservatory Podcast] with adjacent debate for music students, professors and alumni, organised by CEMPE as part of the NMH Talk series, Norwegian Academy of Music (Oslo, Norway). 


Ski-Berg, V. (2023, March 22). Pressures to change: Institutional politics in higher music education. Public defence, organised by the PhD Committee at the Norwegian Academy of Music, Norwegian Academy of Music (Oslo, Norway).


Ski-Berg, V. (2023, March 22). The relevance of organisational institutionalism to the field of higher music education in Northern Europe, and its relationship to the concept of student-centredness. Trial lecture, organised by the PhD Committee at the Norwegian Academy of Music, Norwegian Academy of Music (Oslo Norway).


Orning, T. & Ski-Berg, V. (2023, March 3). Musikkpolitiet the good, the bad and the ugly [The musical police the good, the bad and the ugly]. Presentation of Konservatoriumspodden [The Conservatory Podcast] with adjacent debate for music students, professors and alumni, organised by CEMPE as part of the CEMPE Talks series, Norwegian Academy of Music (Oslo, Norway). 

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