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Ski-Berg, V., Stabell, E. M. & Karlsen, S. (2024). Centre for Excellence in Music Performance Education (CEMPE): an inquiry into institutional change processes in higher music education. Music Education Research. 


Ski-Berg, V. & Stabell, E. M. (2024). Enabling and exploiting student expertise: the case of a Norwegian centre for excellence in education. Studies in Higher Education 


Ski-Berg, V. (2023). «Studenten i front»: Strategisk forhandling av rasjonaliserte myter i høyere musikkutdanning? ['The student in the forefront': Strategic negotiation of rationalised myths in higher music education?] In Ø. Varkøy, E. Stabell & B. Utne-Reitan (Eds.), Høyere musikkutdanning: Historiske perspektiver [Higher music education: Historical perspectives] (Chapter 14, pp. 327-553). Cappelen Damm Akademisk. 


Ski-Berg, V. & Røyseng, S. (2023). Institutional change in higher music education: A quest for legitimacy. International Journal of Music Education. DOI: 


Ski-Berg, V. (2022). Between innovation and tradition: The balancing act of the 'protean' music student. Nordic Research in Music Education3, 92-115. DOI:


Ski-Berg, V. (2022). 'Blazing the trail or exposing the gaps?’ Discourses on student-centredness in genre independent and classical music performance study programmes in Norway and the Netherlands. Music Education Research, 24(1), 31-41. DOI:


Ski-Berg, V. (2023). Pressures to change: Institutional politics in higher music education (Doctoral thesis). Norges musikkhøgskole.


Ski-Berg, V. (2021). Creative call or creative fall? In I. Nyhus (Ed.), CEMPE Årsmagasin 2020-21 (pp. 58-62). Norges musikkhøgskole. 


Ski-Berg, V. (2017). The interdisciplinary musician: Negotiating identities in higher music education (Master thesis). University of Oslo. 

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